Imagining a Digital Economy
for All ( IDEA ) 2030 Council

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IDEA 2030 is a research initiative that aims to focus the minds of decision-makers through data-driven insights on inclusive digital economies. Housed within Digital Planet at the Institute for Business in the Global Context (IBGC) at The Fletcher School, IDEA 2030 addresses two fundamental issues of our time: the need for inclusive growth and recovery, and the pervasiveness of digital technology.

This initiative brings together a global insight community of leading problem-solvers and researchers. Through these partnerships, the community serves as a “go-to-hub” for emerging markets and technologies by disseminating research and insights on how to make the digital economy work better for everyone, everywhere.

Key objectives of the IDEA 2030 Council

1. How do we learn from lockdowns globally to ensure that digital technology promotes inclusive growth and prevents increasing divides?

2. What actions must be taken by policymakers, businesses, social sector actors, and ordinary citizens to power digital inclusion and mitigate the risks – and which areas present the biggest opportunities?

3. What are the business and innovation implications of solving for digital inclusion?

4. How do the answers to these questions help rebuild more widely shared trust in the digital economy as a force for socio-economic progress and development?


Professor and Director
of the Digital Trade
and Data Governance Hub,
George Washington University

CEO, Pratham

Chair of IDEA 2030;
Dean of Global Business,
The Fletcher School
at Tufts University

Research Director of IDEA 2030;
Director of Research,
The Fletcher School
at Tufts University

Partner, Digital Technology;
Practice Lead, Dalberg

Zuckerman Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership

Zuckerman Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership

Founder and Chair,
Digital Frontiers

Labor Rights Activist;
Founder, Equiception

Director, ASER Centre;
Professor, University
of California, Irwine


Founding Director – Center
for Technology Innovation;
Vice President, Governance
Studies, Brookings Institution

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