Category: In The News

Health + Wealth Day 3: How Data is Revolutionizing Society

The final day of the Health and Wealth of America conference focused on the power of data. The pandemic forced companies to take their services virtual, and doing so led to the capture of loads of data that can enhance their businesses, and ultimately society.

How Digital Trust Varies Around the World: Bhaskar Chakravorti

As economies around the world digitalize rapidly in response to the pandemic, one component that can sometimes get left behind is user trust. What does it take to build out a digital ecosystem that users will feel comfortable actually using?

Remote work shakes up geopolitics

Despite India’s and China’s economic might, these countries have far fewer remote jobs than the U.S. or Europe. That’s affecting the emerging economies’ resilience amid the pandemic. Erica Pandey sites findings from the Digital Intelligence Index in her article on Axios.

Who is Practicing Social Distancing Best?

Bhaskar Chakravorti shares insights from Digital Planet’s Social Distance Readiness Benchmark and discusses which states are practicing social distancing best.

Are Countries Ready to Exit COVID-19 Lockdowns?

Tufts Now | Bhaskar Chakravorti participated in Lessons from a Pandemic, a video series run by Tufts University, and shared his insights on how to lift lockdown orders around the world.

A Partial Defense of Zoom

Fletcher Professor of Cybersecurity Policy Josephine Wolff explains that while Zoom has made some mistakes, it’s owned up to them in the middle of an unprecedented time.

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