Hire Black and Latinx Tech Talent From These Overlooked Cities: Bhaskar Chakravorti
Companies recruiting in STEM fields need to look beyond Atlanta and Miami.
Companies recruiting in STEM fields need to look beyond Atlanta and Miami.
Experts say the solution is to make remote work the default.
Erica Pandley writes about the correlation between the UK’s struggling economy and its transition to working from home during COVID-19, citing data from the Digital Intelligence Index (DII).
Despite India’s and China’s economic might, these countries have far fewer remote jobs than the U.S. or Europe. That’s affecting the emerging economies’ resilience amid the pandemic. Erica Pandey sites findings from the Digital Intelligence Index in her article on Axios.
Bhaskar Chakravorti discusses research from Digital Planet, which found that India is one of the least equipped countries for remote-working readiness.
Remote Working Can’t Last Forever: Bhaskar Chakravorti.
Rather than prepare to reopen, Bhaskar Chakravorti recommends that companies help employees settle into operating remotely.
Josephine Wolff explains how lawmakers are just like the millions of other people who are working from home.
CBS News examines the strain on internet infrastructure due to increased remote work, highlighting the need for robust connectivity.
Will our internet be able to keep up with the demands of COVID-19? Josephine Wolff expands on this topic in The New York Times.